Graham Piano Tuning


"The technician you can trust, 100% customer satisfaction, 

pride in quality of work, prices you can afford"


"Providing annual affordability, rewarding referrals, 

and complete transparency with no hidden fees. "


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Piano Brands Serviced Since 2016

about me

My name is Michael Graham. Moved to Springville, Utah in 2010. Started playing the Cello in 2008-present. Playing the cello at such a young age helped me develop a great ear for small pitch and interval changes. Playing a string instrument teaches one to tune their own instrument and in doing so, ingrains the A440 pitch in your head. It showed me how the strings moved with humidity, temperature changes and how they move while sitting and when being played.

In 2016, I started tuning for the LDS churches doing 6-8 piano a day. After a year that was about 1000 pianos! I took a break to do some schooling in the IT services and cabinetry design. Have improved my skills for Woodworking from hands-on work at a family owned framing shop and a cabinetry job. 

I further learned and improved my skills with pianos from other technicians in the job field and from online classes and infield work. Skills that include Tunings, Regulation, Voicing, and many other repairs over the years. 

I have really loved the work and being of few others in the state to provide a great service to our community. 

When home I love to spend time with my wife Miros doing photography with her. I also do video/audio creation, game development, 3D printing, Excel documents and other side hustles to improve other peoples lives.